The Essence of Music: Native American Rattles

The Essence of Music: Native American Rattles

The Essence of Music: Native American RattlesNative American rattles are very important percussion instruments. It's interesting to learn that there are rules connected with the use of rattles in the Native American culture. These unusual rattles are an integral and necessary part of Native American music. The rattle, when played along with the hand drum, gives a steady beating which inspires Native tribal music. The music pattern is completed by adding the rattle along with the voice. Normally, rules pertaining to gender are enforced. There are specific kinds of rattles and instruments that men or women are permitted to use. For example, in the Southeast, women use turtle shell shackles for the ceremonies which are strictly for women only.

In both ceremonies and rituals, the Native American rattle is used. One of the most well known types of Native American rattles are those made from turtle shell. Another popular form is the gourd rattle and another is a rattle made of rawhide. Depending on the culture, each rattle has a variation of patterns and symbols. 

Notable tribes like the Zuni and Apache have impeccable handcrafted decorations. Various kinds of materials can be used to construct or decorate the Native American rattle. Items such as shells, leather, beads, feathers and fur can be used together with rocks, seeds, horns and bones to create a very unique and symbolic look. Native American people have a deep respect for the environment and nature. More can be found by understanding the different choices of Native American rattles. One should know that Native American rattles are constructed from raw materials that are taken from three kingdoms of our world. 

The animal kingdom would be represented by feathers as well as leather. Both the plant and mineral kingdom are well represented by the wood and rocks used to adorn the rattles. The rattle is not only a musical instrument, it helps give clearer meaning to the mind. Rattles will speak to the spirit as well as bring one closer to nature, art, medicine and dance. The Native American rattle, when played is said to be a good meditation device and could clear one's mind from stress and uncertainties of life.

See More Native Rattles.

Aug 19th 2015 Mission Del Rey

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