Native American Rugs - Beauty Lost Throughout Time

Native American Rugs - Beauty Lost Throughout Time

Southwestern RugsThe art of weaving Native American rugs is very prominent in North America. Native Americans create the most desirable and expensive rugs that money can buy, but sadly, the shrinking industry is only hanging by a thread due to modern mass production and the art being lost with this generation. 

The best known type of textile art available in North America is Native American rugs and blankets. The level of craftsmanship and attention to detail are impeccable making these rugs extremely pricey. 

In the southwestern United States, as well as in Mexico, these rugs are still made in the traditional way. The artisans kneel in front of a loom made of wood, and they weave colored threads using a shuttle. They proudly produce impressive and large scale geometric designs. 

Shifting to wool when domestic sheep were introduced by the Spanish, the original Native made rugs were made of hand spun cotton thread. One of the many impressive Native American rugs that can be found is the Navajo designs. 

An interesting method used for making these rugs is through finger weaving. Immaculate finger weaving is done by many tribes which was a key method used since ancient times. One of these is the tribal rug of the Tlingit people known as Chilkat. Another is the Seminole sash. 

Another essential area of the textile art of Native Americans is patchwork. Although they have their own methods of making textiles, quilting which was taken from Europeans, was given a new kind of energy with their skilled craftsmanship. Star quilts are also one of the crafts they are well known for. Many other designs also still exist but in modern times, mass production as well as a more modern life style has greatly impacted this exquisite tradition.

It's sad to realize that there are fewer Native American rug artists than ever. Some are doing all they can to keep their artwork and hand crafts alive. There are very few of those resilient weavers that use the old traditions of Native American rugs in today's times. 

The prices could go up to 6 digits, especially on the vintage rugs because of the long amount of time spent creating them. Only a very little percentage of the younger generations of Native Americans are studying the intricate art of making Native American rugs. 

It would be a perfectly good investment for those who desire to get an exclusive design that exudes the Native American culture. Though this would not be for general use, but rather, a more ornamental and decorative piece, it would be great if more people come to recognize the ancient and slowly withering tradition of Native American rug making. 

See more about Native American rugs here.

Dec 4th 2015 Mission Del Rey

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